3 basic strategies Which Make You True Resilient Person in Any Situations.

Image Credit Goes to WSJ

In life, we earn something and lose something. When we earn something which we like most, at that time we are very much happy and we share the happiness with our loved ones. Meanwhile, they also join our movement. But when we lose something which we like utmost or lose someone we truly love and break our own's heart or struggle with situations etc. In such situations, we always lose our calm and passion residing inside us. At such times, very few people or no one comes to join and accompany with our pain. Because these situations are always related with 5 kinds of grief. That are,

  1. Anger
  2. Bargaining
  3. Denial
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptances.

Due to this grief, we suffer from mental illness, dementia, and physical impairment.

Such kind of overwhelmed situations are always putting ourselves down. It tests our bold mindset, passions, and mainly tough resilient skills on our self.

Walt Disney, Stephen King, Bill Gates, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Michael Jordan, Elon Mask etc. These legendry guys failed many times and lost so many things in their life but they never gave up. Because of their strong resilient skills which made them unstoppable.

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Here are the 3 basic strategies Which Make You Resilient The person for becoming  Highly Successful After Hard Failure     

1)    Remember: Everything Happens for a Reasons, Love It, Accept It and Learn from It.

Resilient people never think about bad situations. Because they know that suffering is a part of life. It does not mean that they always welcome situations. They know tough times come and it will go. They will suffer but amid that, they never discriminate about situations. They never say to god why me but say why not me. Because tough situations make them more successful than normal situations. That is the reason when a tough time comes always enjoy it, accept it, and learn from it. Because in that short period you learn so many things which make you different from others.

2)    Know Where to Give Attention

As human beings, we always stick to the negative part of life. Stick like a velcro. But resilient person never sticks with negativity. Always work on the situations and give attention to turn them into his/her favor. A resilient person always does analyses about the situation from more than 10 different dimensions. Decide whether it requires careful attention or not. By giving attention, if they can’t get the results or change the situations it means, its a waste of time. The alternative is to accept the situations and move on to other goals. It’s a vital and adorable skill if you want to be resilient.

3)    Self-talk.

Resilient people always think before any action. They ask these 3 questions before any conclusion

1)    What I am Doing.?

2)    Way of thinking is correct/ Incorrect.?

3)    Way of actions are helping/harming.?

This question takes him/her back to their driver seat of their life cycle.


Life Doesn't Get Easier or More Forgiving, We Get Stronger & More Resilient

Steve Maraboli

To become resilient is not an attribute or skill. It’s all about thinking. It’s an ordinary process. Just willingness to go with that process.
