Lead with Humanity.

Little Things You Know but Never Try to Apply.

A leader is a person, who inspire, guide, manage, coordinate, understand and respect the team members skills, needs and emotions. But nowadays, leaders only know how to manage human resources but they forget how to being kind with their human resources. It means Humanity.
When a person gets the responsibility of the team leader, then his responsibility is to get the things done from the subordinates by using the leadership skills. 
As a leader of a team, forming professional relations or sometimes personal, would be very good in today's time. That is the main core skill which must-have in any leader.
Paychecks, bonus and benefits, satisfying the team member needs. But their real want is happiness, connectedness with family and friends. Today's leader forgot how to respect and understand human emotions and relationship. They are just calculating human productivity and efficiency excluding human basic relationship with family and friends.
McKinsey & Company did a survey and at the end of the survey, they concluded that when employees are satisfied with emotions and all relationships, they are more committed and satisfied with the job and performance. Because of this their productivity additionally increases by 17%.

What Qualities Leader Should Have So That He Can lead the team with Humanity.?

1) Think at Personal Level

As a leader when you take any decision, action plan etc. think twice at a personal level. Because of one decision, the plan can make, change or distract the employee's lifecycle. Always put yourself in their shoe and imagine the situations.

2) Be self-aware

It means that you can not manage other people unless you can not manage your self. When you understand yourself, you can easily understand others emotions and sympathy.

3) Be compassionate

Being a leader of a team, always try to bring happiness on another face. When we have a compassionate leader, we feel that someone is behind us to make us safe and secure. If you want to become a compassionate leader, alway asked one question to yourself as well as a needed person, how may I help you so that your day would be a better day.?

4) Be selfless

It means that the organisation, employees and team that you are leading at first and then yourself must be second. You have to think about the longterm perspective and for other benefits. Selfless it doesn't mean that you are a doormat for others. It about society, organisation, employees are first and personal goals or dream comes second.
Also, you can read this

Thank you
Nimesh Waghela
