3 Steps: How to Break Your Bad Habits.?

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Let's first understand,
what is the Habit?
Habit is a part of our behaviour, which gives pleasure to our mind, emotions and body.
Ex. biting nails, watching porn, Having dinner in front of the TV, Alcohol, cigarettes etc.
These are the activities which we like to do most of the time when we feel stress, bored, frightened, sad and angry. By following such kind of activity, our arterioles become fully numb and, we get an inner peace with this habit. but,
once you start following such kind of activities every day and feel ultimate pleasure from it, then automatically it goes into auto-pilot mode afterwards it turns into habits. Once activity transforms into habits, afterwards it's very difficult to breakdown.

Zig Zigla

Follow these 3 steps and get rid of bad habits.

1)  Strong Emotional Competence.

You must be emotionally competent to start breaking your habits. Simply pushing and forcing your self will not give you lasting success and might also create uncomfortable behaviour throughout your way.
Throughout this practice (breaking habit), your emotions must be calm and motivated. Your breath must be relaxed and deep so that your mind will help you to resist your self from bad habits. Your emotions handle your mind and heart. In this period try to keep yourself positive. Because positive vibes mean positive emotions.  Positive emotion means solitary mind and heart feels free to tackle any situation If someone follows the mind, he/she can easily break their habit but those who follow the voice of the heart, for them it's very difficult because our emotions are strongly attached to our heart.

2) Design Your Cognitive skill

This is the most effective way to break your bad habits. Always try to develop own philosophy and definition. Because when you prepare your cognitive skill, that time you consider all your pros and cons. So that it will be easy for you to stick with your perception.
Ex. I always run the TV and Mobile while eating. As such, I can't concentrate on my eating and I do not masticate properly during eating. My parents always scold me about this bad habit. Afterwards, I decided  to get rid of this bad habit
So my philosophy was:-
I will have my breakfast next to the window, lunch in galleries and dinner on the terrace. Because of this, I started enjoying my food very nicely.
By this way, you can develop your own philosophy and definition to break your bad habits.

3) Asked 3 Questions Before Following Any Activity

Analyze your each and every activity, ask three questions inwardly to your self before following,
1) Why I am doing this.?
2) Is this activity harming me.?
3) What will I get from this.?
Inwardly give an honest answer to yourself, and if you are satisfied with the answer then you can follow your activity.

It takes around 30sec to 40sec to decide whether you need to follow the activity or not.


bill.k said...

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