4 Reasons Why Talented People Can not Translate Their Performance Into Top Performance.

In this world, everyone possesses some sort of talented. But we are unsure that our talent would be our top performance or not. If I talked about HRs perspective, they give 50% recognition to our hard work, how smart are we, how knowledgeable are we and how experienced are we. how competitive are we..??. Remaining 50% marks they give about our emotions stability, our preferences and our creativity associated with work. Nowadays organization have started a talent identification programme. These programmes help them to identify who are talented in the organization and who can strive better in typical harsh condition. But the results of these programmes are not that effective.  The main reason is  Motivation about work.
If employees are not motivated and not enthusiastic about work, they will not showcase their talent. They will just do the work as an ordinary employee. They will not stand in front of their peers, manager to showcase the idea, imagination and creativity.  Simply they follow the rules. Never try to make or change a new or existing rule.''Often it happens top performer judge their performance very harshly whereas average performer who does excellent work they exaggerate their performance.''

Now, these are the four reason talented people can't transform their performance into top performance.

1) Poor fit.
Right personality at right place this is called job fit personality. Sometimes it happens employee perception towards the organization goal is different or take time to understand the culture of the organization. Sometimes employee demand time to understand the culture of the organization. The solution to this problem is homework. Do proper homework before joining any organization, moving towards any post or title.
2) Redemption.
Enthusiasm and motivation needed when employees working in harsh conditions. If leaders or project management fails to give this, an employee never portrays their creative ideas, talents towards the organization or project manager.
3) Organization Diplomacy.
It's nothing but organization politics. When a person starts learning or improving soft skills that time he starts understanding political skills. Political promoters give preferences to politics irrespective to talent, technical capabilities. Political savvy approach contaminated the organization environment like bacteria in the water. The solution to this to change the department or change the organization.
4) Personal problems.
Each person has their own private life and private circumstances.  No matter how an employee attached with the work but in front of personal circumstances, work always be at the second position in the priority list. A good boss understands the situation of an employee when he depresses under the personal problem.

 In short, it is necessary to optimize our self if we have to put a strong impression in front of high performing incumbents. Also, optimize our job with our dedicated interest and stay alert from invisible social forces.

Thank you
Nimesh Vaghela
